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I just got back from visiting family in Massachusetts, where I wasn’t able to turn a corner without running into a patriots hat, t-shirt or jersey. While I’ve never been a die hard football fan I’ve always been interested in the strategy and leadership that goes into winning at the highest level. 

I’ve often referred to legal as the Super Bowl of digital marketing. It’s the highest competition, highest cost per click, it always has been and always will be. So when I was casually browsing stats on the ride back to NYC, I connected some dots with a recent renaissance that’s been going on with some of our clients at CaseFuel.

We recently switched out call tracking provider to JuvoLeads which has given us more insight than ever before. Where we used to have call data, we now have actual signed case data. Our clients have been growing faster than ever, and while I staring at Pat Patriot I figured out why.

The Patriots Principle

If you ask your average person on the street why the Patriots have been the team to beat in football since 2001, the answer will probably be Tom Brady.

Recent memory will probably cement his status as the GOAT. Pop culture has a short memory. New England lifers will have a hard time forgetting the 10 years between wins in SuperBowl XXXIX and XLIX. And they probably will never forget the historic upset against the Giants and not getting to avenge the loss 4 years later.

The GOAT was there for all those seasons. Yet despite the skill, courage and clutch plays he couldn’t carry the team to victory for those 10 years.

So that’s a mark against the great man theory.

What really came together together for the last Patriots run? The wide receiver corps. The Pats got another rockstar in Rob Gronkowski (also considered one of the best to play the game) but it wasn’t until it got rounded out with players like Julian Edelman that the loop was closed. Great passes turned into great catches, touchdowns, points and games. And that’s when they went on to win 4 of the last 5 superbowls.

Which leads us to what I’m calling the Patriots Principle:

To consistently succeed at the top level, you need top talent at all positions. Not even “Greatest of All Time” talent can make up for a weak link elsewhere

Bringing it back to legal marketing

You might be thinking “duh, that’s obvious Jan”. But when I saw the results of getting our own ‘wide receiver corps’ I realized we had been in violation of that principle until this year.

Our team ended up coming in the form of an intake service ran by a former nationwide bankruptcy firm marketing leader (an offensive coordinator, if that doesn’t stretch the metaphor too far). When we ended up plugging in leads we were generating online into an intake team with proven scripts, clients started closing cases right away – on day 1 in several instances. We haven’t lost a client using this system yet and several of these have doubled or tripled volume since getting started.

Where we (and other agencies) have been getting it wrong

No one is immune to man with a hammer syndrome. Running an agency the answer to any growth related problem was more, cheaper or better leads. But this is in direct violation of the Patriots Principle.

New England wouldn’t have broken out of that drought if Tom Brady had spent twice as much time in practice. The team to catch the ball wasn’t there to the level it had to be.

Yet – the approach the agency model is takes proposes to do just that. Pay our team to be your Tom Brady and rifle you leads in high volume with a perfect spiral we’ve been honing throughout the years.

Even if it’s true – and after hundreds of audits I can tell you the real Tom Brady’s are few and far between – it’s not going to overcome bad systems. And after having lost more clients than any marketer would have the sense to admit I can tell you that top level intake is even more rare.

What we’re doing about it

After seeing how much success our clients are having with this in place, I shudder at the thought of how things could have been different if this got solved earlier. In short (full article on this forthcoming) we’re no longer starting engagements without getting the ‘receiver corps’ in place for a client.

To that end – I made a totally free masterclass for anyone interested in getting intake handled for your firm. Click the link here if you’re interested:

Also – for bankruptcy firms who are looking for a completely done-for-you process with the people and teams in this story, we’re accepting applications while geographies last here: