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When trying to make a lot of money for your practice, it only makes sense to accept whoever walks in the door, right?

That couldn’t be more wrong. Ironically, in an effort to make more money, you’re actually setting yourself up to lose more money. At the end of the month, you’ll only manage to pay your bills by the skin of your teeth. And that vicious cycle of scarcity can go on and on unless you decide to break it.

Stop selling yourself short and join me in today’s podcast as we talk about the abundance mindset and how you can use that to push yourself back to the virtuous cycle.

Break yourself free and set yourself up for abundance by listening to this episode.

We’ll be talking about:

  1. The Matthew Effect [01:21]
  2. The vicious cycles of scarcity and abundance [02:17]
  3. Momentum can push you towards to the top of to the bottom  [05:23]
  4. The essence of niching [06:04]
  5. The burning dopamine [07:11]
  6. Why it’s important to raise your rates [08:42]
  7. What makes niching effective [11:09]
  8. Size only matters if you’re competing on the same dimensions [12:54]
  9. Intelligently reinvest in people, process, and marketing [13:30]
  10. When you have abundance, you’re able to make suitable decisions [15:14]

About Our Host:

Jan Roos is the CEO of CaseFuel agency, helping law firms generate revenue through pay per click advertising. He is a legal marketing expert and is the author of the bestselling book, “Legal Marketing Fastlane.” It talks about PPC lead generation, a technique used to generate client leads for big and small practices.

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