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Most of you might wonder why people always go back to martial arts despite getting sprains and muscle tears a couple of times. After all, when looking at it from an observer’s perspective, having multiple fractures and passing out on the ring seems pretty painful, not to mention traumatic.

However, what most people don’t realize is that martial arts is not just about broken bones or winning matches. It’s about picking up some valuable lessons along the way, coming up with the best techniques, and harnessing them to boost your business strategies in an ever-changing environment.

In this week’s podcast episode, I’m here to share with you the important lessons that I have learned while training with the Michael Jordan of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Marcelo Garcia, and how you can use them to improve your marketing tactics.

Refine your strategies by tuning in to this episode now!

We’ll be talking about:

  1. Lesson #1: You either win or you learn [03:10]
  2. Lesson #2: We all have the same time [06:34]
  3. Lesson #3: Play to your strengths [11:26]
  4. Lesson #4: Focus on the fundamentals [13:58]
  5. Lesson #5: Extra help is the biggest shortcut [17:56]
  6. Lesson #6: Active learning is much more powerful than a data dump [21:11]
  7. Lesson #7: Masters don’t need a game plan, but everyone else does [25:10]

About Our Host:

Jan Roos is the CEO of CaseFuel agency, helping law firms generate revenue through pay per click advertising. He is a legal marketing expert and is the author of the bestselling book, “Legal Marketing Fastlane.” It talks about PPC lead generation, a technique used to generate client leads for big and small practices.

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