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Is it really possible to run a fully automated, fully remote law practice without compromising some of its most important aspects?

Lawyers need to be good at building rapport with their clients, and that’s easy when you get to meet clients face-to-face. But building rapport and trying to win clients over the phone is a different story. In this day and age, plus given the situation we are in right now, most people would rather do transactions at home without the need to commute and becoming fully automated may just be what your practice needs. You might be surprised to find out how much traction you can gain by doing so!

Today, we’ll learn about how you can scale your practice by automating your process with Partner of Colorado Online Attorney and Cloud Peak Law Group, Jonathan N. Feniak. We’ll also talk about what you can do to avoid the tricky trap of scope creep.

Let’s take a deep dive into going virtual with your law practice. Tune in to this episode now!

We’ll be talking about:

  1. The nitty-gritty of Colorado Online Attorney, PLLC [00:44]
  2. Why they chose to tap into registered agent services [02:44]
  3. Ranking high in the search results without paying for it [07:49]
  4. How to become a price leader and avoid scope creep [12:56]
  5. Fully automating their process to improve client intake [19:22]
  6. What the customer experience looks like in that client intake process [23:27]
  7. Do you have to be a rainmaker to work in a fully automated environment? [29:37]
  8. What’s next for Colorado Online Attorney, PLLC [34:08]
  9. Who can reach out to Jonathan [38:33]

About Our Guest:

Jonathan N. Feniak is a Partner at Cloud Law Peak Group and its subsidiary, Colorado Online Attorney. He has a wide array of experiences including corporations, estate planning, limited partnerships, real estate, etc. Based in Denver, Colorado, he has also co-founded the Colorado Investment Group which has been in business for more than 11 years.

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